
Online-Vortrag: Fairtrade bananas from Uraba,
Colombia and its contribution to the next generation

Im Rah­men der »FAIRE WOCHE«, die bun­desweit vom 11. bis 25. Sep­tem­ber stat­tfind­et, ver­anstal­tet unser Arbeit­skreis »COLPAZ — Frieden für Kolumbi­en« eine Vor­tragsver­anstal­tung, die allerd­ings coro­n­abe­d­ingt online stat­tfind­en wird. Die Faire Woche beschäftigt sich in diesem Jahr mit der Frage, wie ein gutes Leben für möglichst viele Men­schen erre­icht wer­den kann. Wie müssen Pro­duk­tions- und Kon­sum­muster ausse­hen, damit sie nicht zu Las­ten von Men­sch und Natur gehen? Was kann der Faire Han­del dazu beitra­gen und welchen Beitrag kann jede*r einzelne von uns leis­ten? Unsere Ver­anstal­tung wird auf das Beispiel fair­er Pro­duk­tion von Bana­nen in ein­er vom Gewaltkon­flikt beson­ders heimge­sucht­en Region Kolumbi­ens eingehen.

Ref­er­entin: Sil­via Cam­pos, Glob­al Prod­uct Man­ag­er Bananas at Fair­trade International 
Datum: Mittwoch, den 9. Sep­tem­ber 2020, 18:00 — 20:00 Uhr
Anmel­dung: colpaz@riseup.net

Der Vor­trag find­et auf Englisch statt

Colom­bia is one of the main banana exporters to the Euro­pean Union. Ura­ba, the main banana pro­duc­ing region in Colom­bia, is con­sid­ered an “eco­nom­ic engine” for the coun­try and gen­er­ates thou­sands of jobs. Ura­ba also has a very dra­mat­ic recent his­to­ry, as the cen­ter of a con­flict between the guer­ril­la, the para­mil­i­tary and the gov­ern­ment, which end­ed up in thou­sands of vic­tims among the population.
Ura­ba is char­ac­ter­ized by a young pop­u­la­tion (58% of the pop­u­la­tion is below 24 years old), a high per­cent­age of peo­ple with­out cov­er­age of their basic needs, low qual­i­ty of edu­ca­tion and social ser­vices, and a high per­cent­age of unem­ploy­ment, espe­cial­ly among the young peo­ple (45% of the peo­ple between 16 and 29 years old are unem­ployed). In addi­tion, the vio­lence and drug deal­ing in the region is neg­a­tive­ly impact­ing the well­be­ing and the future per­spec­tive of chil­dren and young peo­ple, who are join­ing those illic­it activ­i­ties from a young age. 

Fair­trade bananas from Colom­bia are one of the main prod­ucts trad­ed under the Fair­trade mark in many super­mar­kets across Europe. Fair­trade banana pro­duc­ers and traders are not only com­mit­ted to com­ply with Fair­trade stan­dards, but also to con­tribute with the well­be­ing of farm­ers, work­ers, their fam­i­lies and com­mu­ni­ties. Fair­trade banana pro­duc­ers con­tribute to the rur­al econ­o­my by cre­at­ing per­ma­nent and tem­po­rary jobs for thou­sands of male and female work­ers. In Ura­ba, sales of Fair­trade bananas ben­e­fit 5,000 work­ers and their fam­i­lies, by earn­ing a fair wage under decent work­ing con­di­tions and access­ing to bet­ter hous­ing and edu­ca­tion of their chil­dren, which rep­re­sents the main way to go out of the “cir­cle of pover­ty”. Plan­ta­tion work­ers also share their ben­e­fits from the Fair­trade pre­mi­um with their com­mu­ni­ties by imple­ment­ing social projects. Chil­dren and young peo­ple are key ben­e­fi­cia­ries of those projects, through the access to schol­ar­ships, sport and cul­tur­al activ­i­ties. Fair­trade banana work­ers have pri­or­i­tized these social invest­ments as an attempt to reduce the neg­a­tive impact of the vio­lence, unem­ploy­ment and pover­ty in their com­mu­ni­ties. The results of these social invest­ments are already observed, with young adults with tech­ni­cal and pro­fes­sion­al skills, access­ing to bet­ter jobs and with a broad­er per­spec­tive in live. 

Nähere Infor­ma­tio­nen zur »Fairen Woche 2020«