Online-Vortrag: Fairtrade bananas from Uraba,
Colombia and its contribution to the next generation
Im Rahmen der »FAIRE WOCHE«, die bundesweit vom 11. bis 25. September stattfindet, veranstaltet unser Arbeitskreis »COLPAZ — Frieden für Kolumbien« eine Vortragsveranstaltung, die allerdings coronabedingt online stattfinden wird. Die Faire Woche beschäftigt sich in diesem Jahr mit der Frage, wie ein gutes Leben für möglichst viele Menschen erreicht werden kann. Wie müssen Produktions- und Konsummuster aussehen, damit sie nicht zu Lasten von Mensch und Natur gehen? Was kann der Faire Handel dazu beitragen und welchen Beitrag kann jede*r einzelne von uns leisten? Unsere Veranstaltung wird auf das Beispiel fairer Produktion von Bananen in einer vom Gewaltkonflikt besonders heimgesuchten Region Kolumbiens eingehen.
Referentin: Silvia Campos, Global Product Manager Bananas at Fairtrade International
Datum: Mittwoch, den 9. September 2020, 18:00 — 20:00 Uhr
Der Vortrag findet auf Englisch statt
Colombia is one of the main banana exporters to the European Union. Uraba, the main banana producing region in Colombia, is considered an “economic engine” for the country and generates thousands of jobs. Uraba also has a very dramatic recent history, as the center of a conflict between the guerrilla, the paramilitary and the government, which ended up in thousands of victims among the population.
Uraba is characterized by a young population (58% of the population is below 24 years old), a high percentage of people without coverage of their basic needs, low quality of education and social services, and a high percentage of unemployment, especially among the young people (45% of the people between 16 and 29 years old are unemployed). In addition, the violence and drug dealing in the region is negatively impacting the wellbeing and the future perspective of children and young people, who are joining those illicit activities from a young age.
Fairtrade bananas from Colombia are one of the main products traded under the Fairtrade mark in many supermarkets across Europe. Fairtrade banana producers and traders are not only committed to comply with Fairtrade standards, but also to contribute with the wellbeing of farmers, workers, their families and communities. Fairtrade banana producers contribute to the rural economy by creating permanent and temporary jobs for thousands of male and female workers. In Uraba, sales of Fairtrade bananas benefit 5,000 workers and their families, by earning a fair wage under decent working conditions and accessing to better housing and education of their children, which represents the main way to go out of the “circle of poverty”. Plantation workers also share their benefits from the Fairtrade premium with their communities by implementing social projects. Children and young people are key beneficiaries of those projects, through the access to scholarships, sport and cultural activities. Fairtrade banana workers have prioritized these social investments as an attempt to reduce the negative impact of the violence, unemployment and poverty in their communities. The results of these social investments are already observed, with young adults with technical and professional skills, accessing to better jobs and with a broader perspective in live.
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