Mit dem »Zentrum zum Studium von Wissenskulturen« (Centre for Studies of Knowledge Cultures) betreibt der Verein Wissenskulturen eine eigene Forschungsstelle. Ihre Aufgaben sind in der Satzung des Vereins niedergelegt. Zu ihnen gehören
- die Durchführung von Forschungsvorhaben, die an die Forschungsstelle herangetragen werden und die dem Vereinszweck förderlich sind, sowie
- die Unterstützung des Vereins bei der Verfolgung seiner Zwecke und der damit verbundenen Aktivitäten.
»Colombian Peace Process and the Complexity of Violence«
Colombian Peace Process and the Complexity of Violence The project is concerend with the role that violence has in Colombian society. The pursuit of this issue was prompted by a phenomenon that irritated not only foreign observers: pronounced indifference towards, if not rejection of, the 2016 peace accords between the government and the FARC Guerilla among a major share of the Colombian population. Why is this the case? This issue and the question of to what extent one can refer to a »culture of violence« – a matter of heated debate in Colombian sociology – is examined. Against this concept here another approach is proposed based on a socio-cybernetic concept of observation and guided by its elementary distinction of system/environment.
Selected publications:
»Understanding Cryptocurrency«
With the emerge of „Bitcoin“ since 2008 a new understanding of money arose which is a great challenge for Economic-Theory. Blockchain-Economy, based of experiences with Bitcoin says: Looking for a medium to solve the problem of the failing coincidence of wants at a certain stage of market-complexity, it was not in every case necessary to find a good which could play the role of an general equivalent to the complete world of goods on the market. It was sufficient and easier to account credits and debits of the actors of the market, and at certain point of time it was balanced. This idea turns the traditional understanding on the nature of money upside down: Money is nothing than a form of credit (or debit) represented by a special form of currency. So Money is a sign for a specific social relation. In this view Money is not a good, it is the system of credit account and their clearing that currency represents. In his work „Die Gesellschaft der Gesellschaft“ Luhmann calls the attention on the fact, that in economics the concept of money is reasoned with the facilitation of exchange but doesn’t consider the medium, in which exchange take place. So – this is Luhmann’s consequence — there is no reason for sociologists to take over this initial point of the economic discourse. „Probably money was generated not with respect to its intermediate function for exchange but as a sign for unbalanced performance ratios, first probably in household economies.“ (GdG 348) Even if systems thinking Sociology is better prepared for the challenge of cryptocurrency there are open questions. Particulary for Luhmann’s Theory of Social Systems the question arise, if BITCOIN would modify the code in the sence, that a new media/form-difference could be dominant in the economic system of society.
Selected publications:
»Steering of Transitional Justice. The question of civil societal’s democracy«
Transitional Justice is a very high complex approach to achieving justice in times of transition from conflict and/or state repression. It needs a strong goal-oriented but also empathetic and flexible steering process, which has to achieve accountability and redressing victims, transitional justice provides recognition of the rights of victims, promotes civic trust and strengthens the democratic rule of law. But the adequate consideration of the complexity of all existing driving-factors is very difficult and requires usually a second order observation process by including a variety of social movements of civil society. But this requirement seems to be after all available experiences the weak point of transitional justice. The project focuses the case of Colombia, which is observed and discussed by the “Asociation Knowledge Cultures (Wissenskulturen e.V.)” since a couple of years. Since two years negotiations between the government and the FARC-Guerilla take place in Cuba’s capital Havanna and where it was agreed to realize a Transitional Justice Process starting in Spring 2016. The goal of our project is to observe this process and make a scientific analysis describing the weak-points and asking for solutions from a sociocybernetic point of view.
Selected publications:
»Using Sociocybernetics to Understand Possible World Futures« (completed)
This project explores how sociocybernetics can contribute to understanding possible world futures. Sociocybernetics is concerned with applying theories and methods from cybernetics and the systems sciences to the social sciences by offering concepts and tools for addressing problems holistically and globally. With its distinction between first order studies of observed systems and the second order study of observing systems, sociocybernetics provides a unifying epistemological and methodological conceptual framework. Within this framework, sociocybernetics accommodates a wealth of specialisms in the social sciences, ranging, for example, from the drivers and effects of technological development to sustainability to justice. The shared framework facilitates communication between social science specialisms and also between the social sciences, the natural sciences and the applied, technological sciences. A central concept in cybernetics is ‘governance’, the art of steersmanship. As conceived by Ashby, Beer and others, this art is concerned with the management of variety. How do we face the challenge of managing all the variety that makes up ‘possible world futures’?
Selected publications:
Scott, B.: “The role of sociocybernetics in understanding world futures”. Kybernetes, 38, No. 6/2009, pp. 867–882. Scott, B.: “Conversation, individuals and collectives: some key concepts in Gordon Pask’s interaction of actors and conversation theories”, Constructivist Foundations, 4, No.3/2009, pp.151–158.
Scott, B.: “Reflexivity revisited: the sociocybernetics of belief, meaning, truth and power”, Kybernetes, 35, No. 3–4/2006, pp. 308–316.
Scott, B.: “Cybernetics and the integration of knowledge”, invited chapter for Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems, 2002, UNESCO.
»Metamorphoses of Knowledge Society« (completed)
The project takes the media-technology as an example to investigate the role of technology in situations of societal transition. That means highly complex historical situations in wich a society is partly changing its character so dramatically that observers later on will state that is no longer the same society that it used to be. Such structural changes of societies are very complex events, which are never attributed to single causes. Beside technology changes of many singular facts have preceded such structural caesuras as an effect to special circumstances, like poverty, lacks of democracy, requirements of the world market, economic growth or crisis, ownership structures etc.. In the project we are investigating the relevance of media technology for such societal breaks. Our hypothesis is that any structural change of society with caesuras of political and economical power are obliged to social structure of knowledge and the way in which knowledge is handled. Or, inversely expressed: caesuras of the mode of knowledge will force a more or less significant overthrow of economic and political dominance. Insofar all societies are “knowledge societies” in the sense that any society has to emerge forms and techniques to proceed important decisions regulating its knowledge: Which knowledge should be kept, which can be deleted. And in which form this could be done? In a sociological discourse context – and anymore from a sociocybernetics point of view – it is not need to emphasise that society’s decisions on storing and communication of knowledge are not made by society’s own will. It emerges based on media-technology which is available, the current societal structure, and a lot of other variables which have to be described. The interdependency of these factors expresses the concrete complexity of a knowledge society.
Selected publications:
Paetau, M.: Space and Social Order. The Challenge of Computer-Mediated Social Networks. Journal of Sociocybernetics, Vol. 4, Spring/Summer 2003, S. 23–36
»Sustainable Development« (completed)
Auf der Basis des von uns 2002 in Zusammenarbeit mit mehreren Forschungseinrichtungen der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft entwickelten Ansatzes einer integrativen Betrachtungsweise der ökologischen, sozialen, ökonomischen und institutionellen Dimension von “Sustainable Development” wurden verschiedene Forschungsprojekte durchgeführt. Aufgrund der hohen Komplexität und Dynamik nahezu aller Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der Analyse sowie der Entwicklung und Durchführung von Strategien nachhaltiger Entwicklung zeigte sich die Nützlichkeit soziokybernetischen Denkens in eindrucksvoller Weise. Der Schwerpunkt der Arbeiten des Zentrums für Soziokybernetische Studien Bonn liegt vor allem auf strategischen Fragen zur Umsetzung des Leitbildes “Sustainable Development”, der Indikatorenbildung für konkrete Umsetzungen sowie der Durchführung empirischer Analysen.
Selected publications:
Kopfmüller, J.; Brandl, V.; Jörissen, J.; Paetau, M.; Banse, G.; Coenen, R.; Grunwald, A.: Nachhaltige Entwicklung integrativ betrachtet. Konstitutive Elemente, Regeln, Indikatoren. Berlin 2001: Sigma [cf. reviews] Coenen, R.; Grunwald, A. (Hg.): Nachhaltigkeitsprobleme in Deutschland. Analysen und Lösungsstrategien. Berlin 2003: Sigma.
Brandl, Volker; Jörissen, Juliane; Kopfmüller, Jürgen & Paetau, Michael: Das integrative Konzept: Mindestbedingungen nachhaltiger Entwicklung. Grunwald, Armin; Coenen, Reinhard; Nitsch, Joachim; Sydow, Achim & Wiedemann, Peter (Ed.): Forschungswerkstatt Nachhaltigkeit. Wege zur Diagnose und Therapie von Nachhaltigkeitsdefiziten.. Berlin. Sigma, 2001, pp. 79–102
Brandl, V.; Grunwald, A.; Heincke M.; Jörissen J.; Rösch Chr.; Stelzer V.; Backhaus R.; Hennings W.; Keimel H.; Mertens J.; Meyer B. Chr.; Paetau M.; Rose H.: Ausgewählte Querschnittsthemen nachhaltiger Entwicklungedition. Coenen, R.; Grunwald, A. (Ed.): Nachhaltigkeitsprobleme in Deutschland. Analyse und Lösungsstrategien. (Global zukunftsfähige Entwicklung — Perspektiven für Deutschland, Bd. 5). Berlin. Edition Sigma, 2003, pp. 435–501
Brandl, V.; Grunwald, A.; Jörissen J.; Kopfmüller J.; Paetau M.: Das integrative Konzept nachhaltiger Entwicklung. Coenen, R.; Grunwald, A (Ed.): Nachhaltigkeitsprobleme in Deutschland. Analyse und Lösungsstrategien. (Global zukunftsfähige Entwicklung — Perspektiven für Deutschland, Bd. 5). Berlin. Edition Sigma, 2003, pp. 55–82
Fleischer, T.; Grunwald, A.; Dippoldsmann P.; Fugger W.-D.; Grutsch M.; Karger C.; Nitsch J.; Paetau M.; Poppenberg A.: Nachhaltigkeitspotenziale von Schlüsseltechnologien. Coenen, R.; Grunwald, A (Ed.): Nachhaltigkeitsprobleme in Deutschland. Analyse und Lösungsstrategien. (Global zukunftsfähige Entwicklung — Perspektiven für Deutschland, Bd. 5). Berlin. Edition Sigma, 2003, pp. 353–434