
14th International Conference of Sociocybernetics,
Medellin, Colombia, June 20–24, 2017

A Con­fer­ence of Socio­cy­ber­net­ics is a unique and ide­al aca­d­e­m­ic forum for dis­cussing on inno­va­tion and social con­flicts, one that goes beyond the bound­aries of tra­di­tion­al dis­ci­plines. The Con­fer­ence has no par­al­lel ses­sions, thus we encour­age all par­tic­i­pants to con­tribute to and prof­it from the full stream of dis­cus­sions dur­ing the Con­fer­ence, which, as a devel­op­ing con­ver­sa­tion, usu­al­ly embraces all of the pre­sen­ta­tions, sys­tem­i­cal­ly and over-arch­ing­ly. The goal of the 2017 Con­fer­ence is, there­fore, bring researchers from dif­fer­ent dis­ci­plines togeth­er to explore, with­in a socio­cy­ber­net­ics approach, the chal­lenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties relat­ed to the com­plex rela­tion­ships between inno­va­tion and social conflicts.

We invite the sub­mis­sion of pro­pos­als to dis­cuss inno­va­tion and social con­flicts from a socio­cy­ber­net­ics per­spec­tive. Top­ics may include:

  • Con­flict resolution
  • Cul­ture clash and sys­temic change
  • Cybercultur@ and knowl­edge communities
  • Inno­va­tion systems
  • Inno­va­tion vs. Tradition
  • Media, protests and polit­i­cal action
  • New forms of social organization
  • News pro­duc­tion, cir­cu­la­tion and consumption
  • Pri­va­cy, con­trol and surveillance
  • Sim­u­la­tion and com­pu­ta­tion­al social science
  • Sus­tain­able Development

Con­fer­ence Website:
The Details of the Con­fer­ence can be obtained here!